PERSPECTIVES. wish - need - duty. organic growth. embedded research. collaboration. park management. clustered sustainable business

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1 SUSTAINABILITY SCANNING OF Van Eetvelde, Deridder, Segers, Maes & Crivits Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Spatial Management I. Milieubeleid ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.1 scanning business parks IP interfirm clustering eco-industrial parks EIP ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.2 PPP responsibility - long-term value generation - corporate governance - relation management-stakeholders corporate sustainability - product innovation and exchange - energy and CO2 efficiency - waste management ecologic responsibility human resources standards - (diversity, safety, etc.) - sponsoring and society - programs - responsibility ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.3 1

2 coopetition creation and innovation new product/market effective organisational structure organisational learning superior corporate culture creative HR practice competition timing and positioning pre-emption direct attack flanking attack encirclement concentration global competitive advantage ownership based access based proficiency based cooperation setting foothold pooling resources sharing complementarity learning from partners building alliances weighing options co-option tacid collusion enticing the third party lobbying the government placating stakeholders co-opting customers MA (24) ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.4 management leverage cost efficiency organisational efficiency leverage cost / organisational efficiency knowledge interaction quality IP profit IFC people planet EIP obstacles and boundaries obstacles and boundaries ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.5 LESTS CONCEPT IFC-EIP ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.6 2

3 PILOT SITES Belgium Z The Netherlands BPM project DI ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.7 PILOT SITES ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.8 IFC 26 PROFILES DI/IFC/6 Z/IFC/ ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.9 3

4 IFC 27 PROFILES DI/IFC/7 Z/IFC/ ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.1 EIP 27 PROFILES DI/EIP/7 Z/EIP/ ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.11 DOUBLE-SCAN 27 PROFILES DI/IFC-EIP/7 Z/IFC-EIP/ ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.12 4

5 PERSPECTIVES wish - need - duty organic growth collaboration park management clustered sustainable business embedded research ERSCP Basel - 2/6/27 - p.13 5


BALANCING ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKS BALANCING ECO-INDUSTRIAL PARKS Van Eetvelde, Maes & van Zwam Ghent University, Department of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Spatial Management I. Milieubeleid isup Brugge

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De indeling van de sector Gedrag & Maatschappij De indeling van de sector Gedrag & Maatschappij Elke sector is opgedeeld in vijf tot acht subsectoren. Deze sector is ingedeeld in zeven subsectoren: 1 Psychologie 2 Pedagogische opleidingen 3 Sociale

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Contract- en Leveranciersrelatie management

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Kwaliteit in Wessanen. ISO 9001 en 14001 certificatie Kwaliteit in Wessanen ISO 9001 en 14001 certificatie Inhoud 1. Introductie Wessanen 2. Waarom kwaliteit een speerpunt is 3. De routekaart 4. Het certificatieproces 5. De verbeteringen vasthouden 6. Naar

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Pet insurance: Open business model generation in services

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